Tips for Choosing Outdoor Stone Pavers for Your Property

When choosing outdoor stone pavers for your garden, you will face a lot of variety. This provides options, but it can be overwhelming. Thus, here are some tips to help you weigh up the various relevant factors.

Type of Paver

You will first need to select a type of stone paver. For a start, you can consider your house's cladding and architecture when choosing. If your home is modern and features a lot of glass and steel with an industrial edge, you could opt for granite or bluestone pavers. On the other hand, you could select limestone or sandstone if your house is traditional in style.

Paver Size, Shape and Pattern

You can also reference the house when choosing a paver shape. If it has arched windows or curved elements, select irregularly shaped crazy paving or choose fan-shaped pavers and arrange them in a circular design. Typically, small pavers set into intricate patterns create a more traditional look. If your home is contemporary and built using straight lines and angles, you could choose large square or rectangle pavers set in a simple pattern for a streamlined effect.

Paver Colour

Another factor that you need to weigh up is the colour of the pavers. You will need to look at the specific colours on your house for a harmonious match, but in general, neutral whites, blacks and greys can give paving a modern, minimal appearance, while tans, browns and beiges can suit the warmer tones of classic houses.

The surrounding garden is also important. If the yard is bushy and full of foliage, earth-coloured pavers in greens and browns may be most pleasant. Conversely, you might live near the beach, and blue, white and pale grey pavers would best fit in.

Paver Lightness or Darkness

Many colours come in light and dark versions, which is also important to the aesthetic and practicality of the paving. You can use the pavers to create contrast and visual appeal. If your home's cladding is relatively dark, a pale-toned paver can add interest, whereas if the house is light, you could balance it with dark paving.

The tone also influences the perceived size of a paved area. If you spread light tones around a site, it will appear larger. Dark paving can do the reverse and make your property look smaller. The shade of a stone can also affect how hot it gets in the sun, as darker colours are generally more heat-absorbent than lighter hues. Though light colours can reflect light and be more glaring, Ask an outdoor stone paver expert for their suggestions, considering your setting and climate, as there are a lot of factors to consider.

Reach out to an outdoor stone paver supplier to learn more.
